The balance between intention and surrender is a delicate one. Intention is getting clear on what we want and surrender is trusting in the best outcome. On the one hand, if you over intend, you’re trying to make things happen; on the other, if you over surrender, then you’re lazy, lethargic, and you’ll make a minimal effort. It’s a bit of a razor’s edge, which is why I think we have to lay down the very thing we’ve used our whole life to get what we want, for something greater to occur. It sounds easy enough until we have to put it into practice.
If you’re familiar with my work, by now you’ve heard me say a thousand times that to create something out of nothing, we need to match a clear intention with an elevated emotion. But that’s just the beginning. Next, we need to remain in the energy of that creation—day in and day out. (This is where our meditation practice comes into play.) Then, we surrender the how of how our creation shows up. This means we’re not only trusting a greater mind is organizing our creation in a way that’s right for us, but we allow it to unfold in a new and different way than what we had previously planned or anticipated. Think about it—if you knew what to do you probably would have done it already. That’s called the known.
But the moment we start to feel frustrated, impatient, angry, or resentful, however, we’ve disconnected from the energy of our future, and more than likely it’s because we’re trying to force, control, predict or manipulate outcomes. Why does this happen? Because those emotions cause us to feel separate from our creation; thus, we’re not surrendering, allowing and trusting in this greater mind. Instead we’re approaching creation as matter trying to change matter, rather than our energy organizing matter. If you are trying to control and predict when and how it should happen, then you’re back in the known. That’s because your prediction is more than likely you ‘thinking’ about some known possibility from your memory of the past and trying to forecast that outcome into the future.
You may find yourself saying, “But I do the work every day and still nothing happens!” If you’re saying that, then you’re not trusting; you’re waiting for something outside of you to make that feeling of separation or lack change how you’re feeling inside of you. That’s called separation. You have to remember that because matter is the slowest frequency, it may take time for the external conditions in your life to come into alignment with your inner vision. Again, this is why we do the work every day—to stay in the energy of our creation. That’s not to say it’s easy, otherwise everyone would be doing it.
An analogy I often like to use is that practicing this work, and learning to surrender and trust, is a lot like learning to snowboard. When you strap your boots to your board for the first time, you’re hyper focused on your balance. You’re hypervigilant about your form, your turns, the position of your body over the board, and so on. As a result, you expend an unnecessary amount of energy. In this regard, your mind and body are separate, when in fact what you’re trying to do is make your mind and body one. In essence, you are trying to make your body do what your mind is thinking.
As a beginner snowboarder, you’re going to be frustrated, you’re going to fall (a lot), you’re going to be sore, and in the midst of the experience you’re probably going to question whether you’re ever going to be able to glide down the mountain with ease and grace. With enough practice, however, you stop trying to think like a snowboarder, and you become a snowboarder. The habitual practice of snowboarding then becomes the state of being, and thus you can finally relax into it. Now, what was once a practice becomes a joy—something you look forward to. As you trust yourself more and more, because you’re mind and body are working in unison, you no longer have to try to work as hard, it requires less effort and you are able to better manage your energy. This not only goes for snowboarding, but for creating our reality.
The creative process then is not about hoping, wishing, waiting, wanting, trying or looking—hope is a beggar. It’s about embodying and becoming your creation. We do this first internally in our meditations by merging with the energy of our future, then by remaining in that energy throughout our day. The more we remain in this energy, the more we memorize it until it becomes a new state of being. When it has become your state of being, then you can finally get out of your own way, which ultimately makes trusting, surrendering and allowing easier and more natural. This is when you have memorized the thoughts and emotions in your mind and body, causing you to feel like your creation has already happened.
If you’re not making a concerted effort to stay in the energy of your creation throughout your day, it’s the same as eating an organic breakfast, then spending the rest of the day eating junk food. And what’s the point of that if you’re trying to get healthy? The same goes for everything we’re creating in our life. Why not then, for today, pretend your future has already happened? After all, if you’ve been doing the work you’ve already experienced it enough times in the quantum field. Who knows…you might just find your future finding 